Rainbow body, you ask?
This is when a highly accomplished meditator's bodily substance is transformed into multi colored light. This usually takes place at the time of death of realized masters who have reached the exhaustion of all erroneous grasping and dual fixating, usually through advanced practices in the Dzogchen tradition. The five gross elements that are the constituents of the physical body dissolve back into their essence--that is, rainbow light. Remember, ROY G BIV? That is right, a rainbow of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violent light and they are gone to the Pure Land. Often, only the hair and nails remain on the meditation cushion.

I'll let you do more research. But for short snips on a recent yogi attaining rainbow body, look into Trungpa Rinpoche 'Born In Tibet' or Sogyal Rinpoche's 'Tibetan Book of Living & Dying'.
For now, I will leave you with this image of my buddy Darren attaining Rainbow Body in Kathmandu. Well, actually we met the next evening for pizza at Fire and Ice but I am hedging my bets that all of his retreat in India and in Tibet did him well. So well that he is about ready to, POOOOFF.
photo courtesy Buddhafield, Inc. Hopkins Ltd.
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