Aging Costa Rican canine off duty in living room
New Jersey-born interior designer
Drop two star shaped ice cubes
Into her tall crystal glass of Chablis
She slides across the teak floor
Nestles onto her leopard skin couch
Invites me to join her to stroke
The many fuzzy rabbit pelt covered pillows

The animal skin trade
In San Jose backstreet market
She explains,
Makes for, 'Oh so inexpensive decor.'
A bit of rhino wrap on the kitchen counter top
A trim of ivory on the living room mantle
A wolf hide carpet in the landing
Really can, 'make the difference.'
Lamenting the troubles of her time
Husband’s infidelity
Those “dark skinned” violent ways
The cost of pain free waxing
Now, the time has finally come
To pack her palace
And move back home.

Her loyal hip displaced guard dog
Lulled to sleep by her nightly monologues
Contently sighs next to polished toe nails
But there are more uncertainties
She continues
with a hair flip,
Unable to pay transport cost of her canine watch dog
She explains whilst caressing the German Shepard ears
maybe he too can become furry pillow covers.

roof roof. that dog should have bit the ladies leg off! is that the woman's hand's on the german sherpard's fur?
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